Thursday, March 22, 2018

Social Capital

1) One person must be a domain expert in your industry. TThe industry expert for my idea would be someone who knows why people go to bars. My uncle owns a bar in Tallanasty so I gave him a call and asked just what he did to get people to go to his bar. He said that people want to be able to go to a clean place where they feel safe, comfortable and can have fun at a cheap price. This is exactly what my app is trying to promote to its consumer. I told him about my app and he said that he believes there is something similar like this out there, but it doesn't have the full capacity an potential of my idea. What I want to do is more than review good bars, it is let you know what that bar is like in that exact moment in time; not what it was like when a random girl named Abby from Michigan was there 5 years ago. 
2) One person must be an expert on your market. This person is also a little unconventional. For this interview I talked to my friend who is a club promoter for a place here in Gainesville. He gave me similar information to what my uncle gave me, but I also learned something new. He said that when they are promoting clubs, bars, events and certain nights, they are targeting a certain type of person. For example, if there is a huge EDM DJ coming to town, they are not going to go to the local spin class and invite all the moms, they are going to the college campus and handing stuff out. This is valuable for my app, because eventually users could put in their demographics and preferences and bars and clubs will begin to be recommended to them with local events that the app knows are coming up.
3) One person must be an important supplier to your industry. This last person I chose is a small time DJ in Gainesville and performs at festivals as well. I chose this person because in order for a DJ to be successful, people have to go to the club, hear their music, and eventually download their music. I told the DJ bout my app and he started spitting out ideas about advertisement, show promos and much more. These are all great ideas and all attainable through this app.
What constitutes 'contact'? I believe that contact can happen in many ways. In this case, I called my uncle and then my two friends I just went to their house. In the business world, technology has made it possible to talk to people and make deals without ever actually meeting them. This why social connection are bigger than ever before. I can know one person that can hook me up with someone across the country who I will never meet, but can still help me. This assignment showed me that "contact" is easy, but people just do not utilize all the social connections they actually have.


  1. I was also interested to find out clubs go after certain types of people. It does make sense that an EDM club would go after a certain demographic whereas a rap concert would go after another. I think its also true that people just want to go to a cheap place and have fun, although i do think music selection is a huge one. I think on your app you should tell people what kind of music is being played at that specific venue. Sometimes I just want to go somewhere where they have rap playing and do not know if they will be. That kind of info would be extremely useful for me to make better decisions.

  2. Hi Edison, this is great. Nobody wants to read the review from Abby 5 years ago. You seem to have the right connections to get you going and know exactly what people in the consumer end want to use it for. I think people would want to know the ratio of gender, length in lines and maybe even perhaps who is there, but in a manner that can be instantaneously updated.


Twice the Venture

1) Throughout this class I have begun to think more and ore about the opportunities I see around me everyday. This specific opportunity is o...